Turn anti skate off.
Lower cuing lever.
Move tonearm off the rest so it is between the record edge and the tonearm rest and keep hold of it with left hand so it does not drop.
With right hand rotate the whole counter weight so it moves backwards. For now ignore the number ring.
Then let go of the tonearm while keeping hand near to see if it wants to drop down, but don't let it drop all the way.
If it still wants to drop, rotate the counter weight a bit more and check again.
Repeat until the tonearm doesn't drop or rise. So it floats level like a see-saw would if two people of equal weight were on each end.
Obviously if the tone arm wants to rise instead of drop you need to turn the counter weight so it moves forward.

Once you have it so it does not drop or rise, put the tonearm back on the rest and lock it down.
Counter weight
Now the important bit. Rotate the number ring on the counter weight so zero is at the top while preventing the big fat part of the counter weight from rotating.

Once you have done that check that the tonearm still floats and does not drop or rise when off the tonearm rest. If it floats you have successfully zeroed the tonearm and calibrated the VTF dial. Go to next step


Vertical Tracking Force.
With the tonearm locked down on the rest, rotate the whole counter weight so it moves towards you and the number at the top matches the VTF as specified in the manual or for the cartridge you have. For example 2.5 grams.

Counter weight
With a record on the platter try using the cuing lever to lower the stylus onto the start of the record. It should fall straight down with some certainty. You have now set the VTF correctly. Go to next final step.


Anti skate counter acts the spinning force that attracts the stylus to the centre of the record, thus keeping the stylus in the centre of the groove.
Some turntables have a dial or slider and others have a small weight on a thread.
Adjust the dial or where the thread attaches to the tone arm to the same value you set the VTF to.
Try using the cuing lever again to play a record. The tone arm should fall straight down.

Digital scales

A good idea is to buy a inexpensive digital stylus scales/gauge and check the VTF with that for a more accuracy. You should turn anti skate off while using the gauge to remove sideway force.

Digital Stylus guage


Page revised Mar 18, 2025

Since the 1970s I have been an audio & music enthusiast, worked in pro sound installation, & still buy CDs/records